SD9 Animated Detail Overlook

Main Frame Rafter Connection

This detail outlines the attachment of roof purlins and eave struts at a rigid frame end-wall. The upper diagram/animation shows the purlin attachment, and the lower diagram shows the eave-strut. Also shown in this detail is the installation of the rake angle at both the purlin and eave-strut and a flange brace at the purlin.

Unless called out differently in the building construction drawings, the end of the purlin only requires (2) 1/2” A307 bolts and nuts, however (4) bolts can be installed if desired. These should be installed diagonally and a 1/2” washer needs to be installed on the purlin side at the slotted hole.


The Eave strut will extend to the buildings steel line and uses (4) 1/2 “ A307 bolts with washers. This connection is through the bottom flange of the eave-strut rather than through the web. On low slope buildings it is possible to rest the eave strut on top of the rafter while placing bolts. However, a strap or rope should be used to prevent the eave-strut from sliding off of the rafter until it is secured with bolts and nuts.

Please see detail SD1 for a description and animation of the installation of the rake angle.


Click here to view a PDF drawing of SD9

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